datum plane造句

"datum plane"是什么意思   


  1. Tidal height datum plane of the station
  2. The datum plane of system is made certain and its veracity is proven by experiment . the result indicate that the laser rotating check system has very high precision and sensitivity and display the check result with number
  3. The control plane mainly facilities data plane , that is , control plane will tell data plane how to forward the data . in draft - martini we use ldp ( label distribution protocol ) as our signaling protocol in control plane
    Draft - martini和draft - kompella都是ietf提出的关于实现vpls的草案,其中draft - martini方案提出使用mpls中的ldp协议作为vpls的信令控制协议,并对ldp协议进行了扩展。
  4. Fourthly , this paper standardizes the linear of the inductance sensor and analyzes its error . then we discuss the angle error of the laser sensor and the datum plane error of the mechanism . finally , the paper gives some advice to improve the mechanism
  5. At present , a datum plane - conversion scheme is introduced in the sight system of active ground - to - ground missile . in this scheme the datum plane of sight system is transferred from inertia combination to missile terminal , and the angle of two datum planes is measured at the technical position
  6. It's difficult to find datum plane in a sentence. 用datum plane造句挺难的
  7. First the sketch / datum plane is fitted by least - square distance , then the extruded direction or axis with the flank points of the cloud is extracted in quadratic paogramming arithmetic , and certain points projected to gain 2d sketched datas . feature points are defined to segment the sketch datas , and the sketch profile is generated by fitting separately the line and circle segment
  8. Therefore , the method of screen spreading is presented herein with the following basic feature : taking the surface of the perpendicular line at the end of the distortion and bottom as the datum plane , move the controlling point of every distortion part to the datum plane with the principle of changeless of geometry size , and then the spreading is formed


  1. "datum mark"造句
  2. "datum node"造句
  3. "datum of elevation"造句
  4. "datum of tidal level"造句
  5. "datum place"造句
  6. "datum planes"造句
  7. "datum plate"造句
  8. "datum point"造句
  9. "datum points"造句
  10. "datum position"造句

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